Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Log to a giant penis

Day 29

Woke up with morning wood, I really do like my EQ being very high it’s feels nice.

I might think of doing a 1 on 2 off routine with the bathmate tomorrow when I begin


Day 30


-10 minute warm up

-8 minute pump( 6 medium pressure 2 min of high pressure)’

-8 minute warm down

I measured today so here are the measurements of LOG TO A GIANT PENIS

-BPEL- 6.6 inches

-EG- 5.1 inches

Happy to have gained and I really reccomend taking a break that would last up to a week maybe less maybe more.

It did take my mind off of things and it gave my unit a chance to heal and I got my EQ back and grew.

Good luck to everyone and thanks for staying updated

Day 31

Resting today

But I think tomorrow I will jelq !

I’m thinking of either a 1 on 1 off routine or 1 on 2 off I’m debating. Tomorrow I will jelq and I hope that will be fun since it’s been awhile!

Day 32

-8 minute warm up in hot shower

-100 wet jelqs ( 50each hand)

-6 minute warm down

I forgot how much I enjoy jelqing

I feel thicker than I remember from last time I jelqed

Day 33

Rest day

Girlfriend and I broke up yesterday and am stressed out

I think we might get back together, I’m fighting for it

I figured my new solid routine. Im sorry I have not made up my mind but I will do a 1 on 1 off routine

Every other day I do PE I will switch between jelqing and bathmate. So here is an example of what it looks like.

This previous Sunday: used bathmate

Monday: rest

Tuesday: jelqed

Wednesday(today): rest

Thursday: bathmate

I will be switching back and forth and will give another measurement at day 45

Good luck to everyone !

Day 34

-10 minute warm up

-8-10 minute pump (nice look afterwards)

-6 minute warm down (I was rushing)

I have noticed my unit becomes more tiresome from the bathmate against jelqing.

I enjoy both so that’s a plus. My girlfriend and I are working things out right now so I’m not that stressed. I can’t wait until I hit 7’ BPEL. I will then feel big

Day 35

rest day but feeling big

Day 36

took a rest day because working things out with my girlfriend and am a little stressed

Day 37

rest day again because I had no time, but back together with my girlfriend

Day 38’

Felt like adding new stuff since I was out for three days

-8 minute warm up

-2 of 30 second helicopter shakes

-50 wet jelqs

-2 of 12 second ULIs

-2 of 5 second Slow Squash Jelqs

-30 V jelqs and 30 overhand jelqs

-2 of 12 second ULIs

-2 of 5 second SSJ

-6 minute warm down

Quick question, does everyone usually see bigger units in porn??? Or is that just me??? I’ll think my unit is looking healthy and a good size and then I watch porn and feel shamed

But girlfriend and I are doing great so I’m happy, but I have an essay due tomorrow so kill me pls

You’ll always feel smaller than what you see in porn. It’s a combination of perspective and body dysmorphia. Even after I’ve seen that some porn stars measurements are close to mine they always look bigger to me. And no matter how big I look to myself in the mirror any picture I take looks short And thin to me.

Started 5.5 x 4.2 Feb 2015

Current 7.25 x 5.5 - 6.25 Base girth?

Goal 7.75 x 5.75?


I see where you are coming from. I’ve just wondered that for a long time now. I will watch porn and see almost every video that the man in there has a bigger unit (I’m not gay but it is something you notice)

I don’t think I’m small either, but in camera and mirror my unit feels small :(

But I got PE to change that for me

Day 39

rest day but my unit looks nice when hard

Day 40

Did not have enough time for bathmate so I jelqed a little bit

-warmed up for 10 minutes while shaving lol

-only 50 jelqs

-5 minute cool down and I mean cold water

I decided to try it to see how it would affect my unit

But 5 days to measurement :P

Day 40 (continued)

-8 minute warm up

-5 min bathmate pump

-short warmdown (was rushed)


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