Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

My Progress

Originally Posted by tntjockey
As I have read, you really have come a long ways and you are figuring out your body and what works for you. This is a personal form of education about yourself and the area you are trying to enlarge, but the phyc has got to stop because that will mess with your head and that is not important to any workout but to focus on exactly what you are trying to accomplish. Too much exercising in one sitting can be just that and halt to gains. PE can be a simple run around the park in stead of something messing with your head. Relax, it will all work, but do not over do it or you may plateau. When working out, you must believe your workout is working, focus on that. Focus on what is working for you, if it isn’t move on to something different or change up your routine. So what do I mean about that, you may be starting out too hard and fatiguing your ligs quickly. Ease into it just like stretching when going for a run, you know stretching the legs. After exercising do you do squeezes or wrapping? I know a lot about this, trust me.

Thanks tnt. I don’t do anything other than dip it in a warm cup of water before and after pe. What do you suggest?

7-20-16: BP: 7.63 NBP 6.75 x 5.75

3-22-17: BP: 8.44 NBP 7.56 x 5.75

Originally Posted by Rahman810
Thanks tnt. I don’t do anything other than dip it in a warm cup of water before and after pe. What do you suggest?

Well, you asked, and I will tell you what I did, but this not a suggestion, but a technique. After my PE exercise I would get an AC bandage and wrap, but you have to wrap a certain way. Okay, one will learn to know the length of the AC bandage and you may have to cut the length to size. After My exercise, my wife would pull my penis as far as it would go, I would start from the the base and wrap the AC, but not tight, a little, but comfortable and work my up to the glands wrapping, back to the base and lock it. put my pants on and go for a quick walk to get the blood flowing, I have posted this so many times on this forum, leave it on for a while, when you take the AC off, you will see a very swollen cock, but this works. Trust me.

I have been doing a lot of reading lately on nitric oxide production, blood pressure and possible causes of increased blood pressure. I have a history of high blood pressure although the problem was sorted out in the past with the addition of cardio. But while cardio is indeed helping it is not helping to the extent that it did before which brought me to my next conclusion. Creatine is causing me to have high blood pressure (i have not checked yet but I have ALWAYS been able to gauge my blood pressure levels based on my EQ). Whenever my EQ was low in the past and I got my blood pressure checked it was always elevated and vice versa for when my EQ was really good.

I have searched many bodybuilding forums and read some studies that listed “high blood pressure” as a potential risk of taking creatine. I also searched bodybuilding forums where more than a few guys have noticed that creatine raised their blood pressure as well. As of today I am not going to take creatine anymore and after a month my creatine levels should be at baseline. I will then determine based on my EQ whether or not it is the cause.

I will continue my log and refer back to this post as time passes. I may also buy a blood pressure test kit or something that will help me to see actual numbers along the way. If anyone reading this knows a good blood pressure kit to buy so I can do at home tests I’m all ears. My biceps are pretty big so I need a bigger than average sleeve. Doctors in the past always used the bigger sleeve on me.

7-20-16: BP: 7.63 NBP 6.75 x 5.75

3-22-17: BP: 8.44 NBP 7.56 x 5.75


Monitoring your blood pressure seems like a good idea. If you can afford it buy an electric measuring device that can be put at wrist level - it’s easier to use (so you measure more often) and it is precise enough.

Just remember to rest 10-15min before measuring and have your hand always in the same position (best is at the side, kept at heart height while lying on your back). Then you will get really trustable results.

Modified forum rule #69: Your avatar must show a JUICY ass, may it be female, male, mermaid, even sheep or horses are accepted. :-)

My logbook: Richard65 - the roadbook

It has only been 2 days since ive stopped creatine and I have noticed a difference in EQ. Not sure if it’s because of the quitting creatine or the new style of training. Yesterday I did a chest workout with about 1-2 mins of rest between sets which I feel will help improve my muscular strength and endurance in addition to normal cardio. Usually my rest periods on heavy compounds last 5 mins. I feel short rest periods make it more intense and I left the gym with more energy. Resting 5mins allowed me to lift some serious weight which also places more stress on my central nervous system.

7-20-16: BP: 7.63 NBP 6.75 x 5.75

3-22-17: BP: 8.44 NBP 7.56 x 5.75

I did my routine yesterday.

10x30 sec stretches
30 dry jelqs

I think I will take 2-4 weeks off to let my EQ recover completely. I think it may just need a break. My eq was improving really good until I did my routine yesterday. When I restart I will start back with jelqing and maybe throw in stretches later if any at all. I really don’t like my EQ being affected by the stretches. I want my eq to completely return before I continue whether that happens in 2 weeks or 4. I will only do kegels during my break.

7-20-16: BP: 7.63 NBP 6.75 x 5.75

3-22-17: BP: 8.44 NBP 7.56 x 5.75

It is day 3 since my last weight training session. 1 week now away from PE. I have drawn the conclusion that the real killer of my libido was the weight training. I’m not sure how much creatine had to do with it but I noticed that with everyday I am away from the weights my eq gets better. I was overtraining and it was draining all my sexual energy. I have to find a middle ground that allows me to continue to train hard while still maintaining my libido and eq. After about 2 weeks away from weights I should be good to go in the eq department. I will end my break from PE in about 2 to 3 weeks.

7-20-16: BP: 7.63 NBP 6.75 x 5.75

3-22-17: BP: 8.44 NBP 7.56 x 5.75

Just another update. Libido is growing stronger today. My dick is more active and my EQ is climbing higher. I got about a good 8.5 out of 10 EQ from light manual stimulation. It was actually mostly hard before I started touching it which is good. Getting erect just from visualization is a great place to be.

I guess this is a lesson learned. I have to watch how hard I work my body in the gym and make sure that I don’t workout so often that it goes into survival mode which basically shuts down the need to reproduce (low libido).

7-20-16: BP: 7.63 NBP 6.75 x 5.75

3-22-17: BP: 8.44 NBP 7.56 x 5.75

After some experimentation I have found a solution for the time being. After a couple days off the weights (about 5 days) I started doing some really light cardio. I do about 1mph walking on the treadmill. Yes this speed is really slow but it is effective for me. I go for about 20mins everyday and I may experiment with 30 to see if it helps more. I will reintroduce weights in about another week.

I think the most important part is that I keep my heart rate between 88 and 96bpm. That is around 50%VO2 max which according to some studies is the sweet spot for increasing nitric oxide production. Also studies show that cardio at 40% VO2max reduces cortisol production which is why I’m not too concerned with keeping my heart rate over 50% VO2max. I tried keeping it around 110-120bpm but that cause too much stress and cause me to lose libido as well. I’ve been doing some deep research on increasing nitric oxide production from exercise and a lot of them pretty much agree on the point that intense exercise zaps away not only your energy but uses up your sex hormones.

Of course it is not the case with everyone but for a lot of people it is. Heavy lifting in some studies have been shown to stiffen arteries which is bad for erections and I think I was experiencing that. Also stiffer arteries make your blood pressure higher. Mine was about 124/60 average which is considered prehypertensive. During the times where I had my best erections it was around 103/60.

7-20-16: BP: 7.63 NBP 6.75 x 5.75

3-22-17: BP: 8.44 NBP 7.56 x 5.75

Still on break from pe figuring out the root of my inconsistent EQ and I think I have found the root cause. Arginine+citrulline products! I know they are amino acids and for a while they worked very well for me but I now know from experience(and research) that the body will develop homeostasis even to these amino acids if taken in supplement form. I already knew that It happened when I took citrulline before. The effects of citrulline on my eq would be really strong for about a week then it would fade to the point where it seemed like it no longer raised my eq. Today is my second day off of my nitric oxide product and my EQ is better already. Still not all the way better but a lot better than 2 days ago.

I actually reread a post I shared a while back where I mentioned that doing cardio after weight training increased my EQ dramatically. There was a point where I ran out of my arginine+citrulline product and my EQ still improved. So I figured if it worked then maybe I don’t need these products. So I stopped taking them. It got to the point where I had to double my dose only to see no effects on eq even possibly seeing a decrease. I also got suspicious when I would get good eq after a workout and the next day I woke up my dick would feel weaker. I feel this is because of the product because I always took it before bed which probably cancelled out the positive benefits I got from that day. So I am here to confirm that you can get “stim dick” from a arginine+citrulline based product that doesn’t involve any actual stimulants. I never took jacked, no xplode or none of that stuff so I thought i was safe from that possibility.

I will update again in a couple days on progress. When this is resolved I will go back to doing OR hopefully soon. I don’t think I have lost any gains at all. I checked not more than a couple weeks ago.

7-20-16: BP: 7.63 NBP 6.75 x 5.75

3-22-17: BP: 8.44 NBP 7.56 x 5.75


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