Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

PE for Life.

PE for Life.

My PE Career Thus far

Stats and Gains:

Start date: 08-05-2005 (mm/dd/yyyy)
BPEL: 6.6”
EG: 4.375”
NBPFL: 4.00”
Volume: 10.053 cubic inches

Current date: 02-13-2009 (mm/dd/yyyy) (Over 3.5 years)
BPEL: 8.4” (+1.8”)
EG: 5.25” (+0.875”)
NBPFL: 7.5” (+3.5”)
Volume: 18.644 cubic inches (+8.591 cublic inches)

So as you can see, in 3.5 years I have been quite successful with PE.

Summary of my old thread and my routines thus far
As accurate as I can make it, while looking back. If you want further clarification / discussion, then I recommend going back to the thread and reading it
Fast length gainer / very slow girth gainer

Year 1

Month 1:
For the first month or so I did the basic newbie routine only mine looked like this:
• 5 minute warm up • 5 days on 2 days off • 15-20 minutes jelqing • 25 minutes of stretching.
As you can see this was a very heavy newbie routine and I believe it was a bit much.

Month 2:
Still newbie routine:
• 5 minute warm up • 2 days on 1 days off • 10 minutes jelqing • 10 minutes of stretching.
This month seemed just as effective, if not more effective than the first month.

Month 3:
Still somewhat the newbie routine just with some additions.
• 5 minute warm up • 6 days on 1 days off • 15-20 minutes jelqing • 10 minutes of stretching with V-stretches.

Month 4:
Experiment with lots of things.
• 5 minute warm up • rest whenever appropriate • 15 minutes jelqing • 10 minutes of stretching with V-stretches. • Tried using an ADS for a few weeks • Tried just a little bit of hanging, nothing serious. • Tried some clamping jumped in too hard and fast… ended up having blood come out of my Urethra
The bleeding was scary obviously, so I stopped all PE for about 15 days. This month of experiments had some pretty good gains and turned me off clamping. Hanging however was a good experience.

Month 5:
Structured, focus on length.
• 5 minute warm up • rested whenever I felt like it • 15-20 minutes jelqing • 20 minutes of hanging- one week at 5 lbs, the next at 8 lbs, the next at 10 lbs, the next I went back to stretching.
At the end of this month it brings me to now.

Month 6:
Still focusing on Length
Week 1 & 2 • 5 minute warm up • 5 days on 2 days off • 20 minutes jelqing • 20 minutes of Stretching
Week 3 • 5 minute warm up • 5 days on 2 days off • 20 minutes of hanging 10 lbs. • 5 minutes stretching • 20 minutes jelqing
Week 4 • 5 minute warm up • 5 days on 2 days off • 20 minutes of hanging 12.5 lbs. • 5 minutes stretching • 20 minutes jelqing

Month 7:
Slowing things down a bit
Week 1 • 5 minute warm up • 5 days on 2 days off • 20 minutes jelqing • 20 minutes of hanging
Week 2 • 5 minute warm up • 5 days on 2 days off • 10 minutes of stretching. • 10 minutes jelqing
Week 3 • Rested (the flu)
Week 4 • 5 minute warm up • 5 days on 2 days off • 10 minutes of stretching. • 10 minutes jelqing
No gains this month.

Month 8:
Focus on length.
Week 1 • 5 minute warm up • 5 days on 2 days off • 5 min. stretching • 5 minutes jelqing. • 10 minutes of stretching • 10 minutes jelqing .
Week 2,3,4 • 5 minute warm up • 5 days on 2 days off • 10 minutes of stretching • 10 minutes jelqing • 5 min. stretching • 5 minutes jelqing.

Month 9:
Still Focus on length.
All month: • 5 minute warm up • 5 days on 2 days off • 20 minutes of hanging • 10 minutes jelqing
Gained 0.063” this month.

Month 10:
Some rest.
First 2 weeks: • 5 minute warm up • 5 days on 2 days off • 20 minutes of stretching • 10 minutes jelqing
Last 2 weeks: Rest, no PE
lost a bit of length due to break.

Month 11:
Hang again.
all month: • 5 minute warm up • 5 days on 2 days off • 10-15 minutes of Hanging (with a new, slightly more dangerous hanger) • 10-15 minutes jelqing

Month 12:
Sprint for 8, bring in some clamping:
First half of the month:• 5 minute warm up • 5 days on 2 days off • 10 minutes Hanging • 10 - 15 minutes jelqing.
Second half of the month:• warm up • 10 minutes hanging • 10 minutes jelqing • 3 sets of 10 minutes clamping. (hit 8” BPEL this month!)

End of Year 1:
Gained 1.4” BPEL and 0.175” EG.

Year 2

Month 13:
Well, this month has been rather sporadic in my PE and there isn’t much worth reporting on… I guess you could say random maintenance work and experimenting with more clamping and pumping.

Month 14:
From Aug. 26, 2006 – to Sept. 20th I practiced hanging using a Bow-flex.
I gained a lot, but had to stop for a few reasons which can be found in that thread: Hanging using a Bow-flex.
- rest of the month off.

Month 15:

Month 16:
- Pumping, clamping, jelqing, Sorry I don’t have more specifics!

Month 17:
From start of month to around the 21st. 4O min pumping followed by 3 x 10min clamping.
Then I read up about plastic deformation and some of Kaan’s posts really insired me to push clamping hard. 3 x 15 min double clamped for the rest of the month. FINALLY STARTED GAINING GIRTH. Ended the month at 4.875” EG – thats 0.375” gained in around 10 days…

Month 18:
Lost all clamping girth gains from previous month

Month 19:
4 x 15min sets of clamping, moderate pressure. By halfway through month I was back up to 4.75 EG.

Month 20:
Continued clamping, only now ramped up the pressure and shortend the time. (4 x 5min sets)
Started doing some over the counter type squeezes. (don’t really like them any more)
Reached around 5” EG Temporarily, but experienced some discolouration.

Month 21:
Stopped around the 10th do to low volume ejaculations. Returned to 4.875” EG.

Month 22:
Sick of discolouration I researched about chemical peels using liquid wart remover (decided not to quite yet).
Just did some casual pumping and jelqing for the rest of the month.

Month 23:
Began doing dry jelqs and stretches. I can’t really tell for how long according to my log but I was doing them very intensely, causing some major discolouration.
Was very close to 5” EG by the end of the month.

Month 24:
Did some more dry jelqing, took a week off due to vacation.
Did my chemical burn to remove discoloration… ouch! Did a good job though.

End of Year 2

Year 3

Month 25:

Month 26:

Month 27:
- Lost all my girth gains! Measured EG at 4.56”

Month 28:
This month was a real turning point for me gains wise!
A few thoughts on girth gain theory
Discovered “perfect jelqing”
• Week 1: 5 minutes warm up, 10 minute jelqing
• Week 2: 5 minutes warm up, 15 minutes amazing jelqing, 30+ minutes wrapping. Wrapping gave me 2 thrombosed veins
• Week 3: No PE, recovery time needed for T-veins
• Week 4: No PE, recovery time continued.

Month 29:
Continued 15 min perfect jelqing morning and night. Reached 4.75 EG by mid month.
Reached 5.125” EG by near the end of the month.

Month 30:

Month 31:
* This time my girth gains stayed.
Started back up with varied times of perfect jelqing am and pm during the last few days of this month.

Month 32:
Got another T-Vein first week in.

Month 33:
Started Kegeling and stuff in the first 2 weeks
By mid month, back at perfect jelqing. 30 min in the morning and 30 min in the evening.

Month 34:
Very inconsistant PE, Dry jelqs here and there, perfect jelqs random times.
Still ended up at 5.375” EG!

Month 35:
Perfect jelqing whenever I could, Minimum 5 min a day (most days was at least 20 min in the morning and 20 min in evening).

Month 36:
By mid month I did an ADS experiment and wore it as much as I could. Some days I logged over 20 hours! I gained quite a bit of length really fast, but stopped as it was getting in the way of my life.
I almost reached 8.5” BPEL from this.

End of Year 3

Year 4

Month 37:

Month 38:
Off for first half
(BPEL back down between 8” - 8.25”)
Began perfect jelqing at least 30 min a day mid month. (back up to around 8.4” BP)

Month 39:
Continued Pefect jelqing a minimum of 30min per day until nearly the end of the month.

Month 40:

Month 41:
Pumping and stretching and jelqing for various amounts of times throughout the day. Whatever felt good.
Reached 8.675” BPEL.

Month 42:
Started the month off pretty consistent like last month.
I had an eye opening experience with my girlfriend which made me reconsider PE and I stopped for a while. Read about it here: Eye opening experience with GF.
- After a few weeks off I took some comparison pics (not quite NBPEL but not quite BPEL either) showing nearly 2” of gains! From 6” - 8” Proof its possible!.

I struggled do any regular PE from then on.

Month 43:
Thats this month! I have still yet to start any regular PE.

My techniques

I love stretching. When I first started I used to time how long I would hold in each direction. As my PE has progressed I have learned to just go with the flow and change directions and types whenever I feel appropriate. I find stretching after Jelqing is best because the dick is the most pliable. I never pulled too hard, just a good moderate stretch tension.

I used to hang quite a bit, but haven’t done it for years. I never really ‘hung’ for more than 20 minutes at a time when I did and I didn’t go overly crazy with weight. I always used my own hangers and have never purchased any hanging device. I have never vac hanged either. To this date hanging with the bow-flex has been the best as I can attack many different angles in one session without making crazy contraptions.

I have done some successful ADS work in the past. I have always used my own version of the ‘simple ads’, similar to the ads shown in the pe videos here on the site. I have never really stayed committed to an ADS routine for more than a month. But when I do use an ADS I always experience decent gains.

Perfect Jelqing
I believe jelqing is the most important part to any PE routine. I attribute most of my length gains and all of my girth gains to it (As you can see from the summary above, clamping only really gave me swollen gains and discolouration). All throughout the forum you will see me refer to ‘Perfect Jelqing’. In reality there is nothing special about perfect jelqing. It’s just jelqing… perfectly! Simply jelq as perfect as you can, taking nice long strokes, squeezing with good pressure for the most expansion possible. Focus on making every stroke perfect and focus on lots of expansion. Before you know it, 10 minutes of perfect jelqing will feel like an hour of jelqing your old way.

Really… all clamping has ever done for me is made me swollen (temporary gains) and given me discoloration. Maybe it works for others. But not my favorite PE method. I have never used an air clamp though, just the regular cable clamps.

I have never really been consistent with pumping. I find I do it more for pleasure than PE. I love the feeling of coming out of my tube at 6” EG (: I do think its beneficial to PE and that its great in any routine. I always pump at around 5hg, sometimes for more than an hour without breaks… I am a seasoned vet, I don’t recommend anyone else pumping that long without breaks!

That’s all I can think about technique wise for now. I have never used any extenders or bought any PE product from anywhere. I am all about the natural PE now and I think I will be for a long time.

The Keys to Success in PE:
Stay consistent.
Believe that its working.
Set short term goals.
Celebrate every gain no matter how small.
Never think you are a hard gainer in any aspect of PE.
Never let PE run your life.
Stay Positive.
Have fun.

That’s all I can think up for now :)

I would like to thank everyone who has replied to my posts and kept me going. I couldn’t have been as consistent as I have without you guys. I can’t believe my old thread had over 600 posts and nearly 38 000 views. I hope that it has helped some of you in your journeys.

Thanks again guys you rock!

Now back to PE.

The remainder of this thread will be my journey continued. I will try my best to be as consistent as possible and just keep PEing for years to come. Who knows how big I’ll get!

Start (Aug.05): 6.6 BPEL x 4.375" EG

Now (Feb.2011): 8.6" BPEL x 6.0" EG...

Gains: 2.0" EL x 1.625" EG Way more than doubled my erect volume! PE for life. Anything is possible!

Very structured routine/month monitor. Impressive gains. Which exercises do you think helped you the most to achieve your gains?

Started september 2004: BPEL 6,1" and EG 5,1" September 2006: BPEL 7,5" and EG 5,5" My longterm goal: BPEL 8,5" and EG 6"

Very informative and helpful thread, I really appreciate your effort to write down your routines so we can base on what you did.

Was (july 07): 5.25 nbp (5.9 bp)X 4.5

July 10 :6.15 nbp (6.65 bp)X 4.8

Goal: 6.75 nbp (7.1 bp) x 5.1 Final goal : 7.25 nbp x 5.3

Quote “Perfect Jelqing
I believe jelqing is the most important part to any PE routine. I attribute most of my length gains and all of my girth gains to it”

I think that answers your question Unkown.

BD Great gains, great structured history of what you have done and great comparison pics real proof PE works :)

Another excellent thread and motivator, I’m sure for many.

10/10/08 Bpel 6.50 Eg 4.9 base 5.0 few weeks off due to injury :( 12/10/08 Bpel 6.875 Eg 5.0

03/10/09 Bpel 7.25 Eg 5.0625 base 5.25 Donations Keep The Community Going, Click Me

05/10/09 Bpel 7.50 Eg 5.1 base 5.5 11/10/09 Bpel 7.6875 EG 5.125. Goal is as much as I can

Awesome, I wish I had stayed even half as consistent as you since joining.

Thanks so much guys! :)

Today I started back up again. For the rest of this month I am going to try and do at least 10 min of perfect jelqing and 10 minutes of stretching everyday … similar to the newbie routine. Hopefully I can get back to 8.675” BPEL by the end of the month.

Start (Aug.05): 6.6 BPEL x 4.375" EG

Now (Feb.2011): 8.6" BPEL x 6.0" EG...

Gains: 2.0" EL x 1.625" EG Way more than doubled my erect volume! PE for life. Anything is possible!

Chilli789, I didn’t notice that before asking my question. Thanks

Started september 2004: BPEL 6,1" and EG 5,1" September 2006: BPEL 7,5" and EG 5,5" My longterm goal: BPEL 8,5" and EG 6"

I think your threads are the most inspiring and informative on the whole forum. Did you ever measure your l.o.t before you started?

No worries unknown :) Done it many times myself lol.

Thank you so much for posting all of that! Really motivating too, hopefully your info can help me reach my short term goal.

<If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are headed>

Originally Posted by octane3000
I think your threads are the most inspiring and informative on the whole forum. Did you ever measure your l.o.t before you started?

Thanks man! I did measure lot when I was hanging in year 1. I can’t remember what it was though… for some reason 9 o’clock sticks in my head. To be completely honest I can’t remember though. I have never really had much of a technical approach to PE.

Originally Posted by bluray
Thank you so much for posting all of that! Really motivating too, hopefully your info can help me reach my short term goal.

You’ll reach your goals no problem man! Just stick with it!

As far as my PEing goes. Here’s been the last few days:

43.13 – 1 hr pump, 10 min perfect jelqing, 10 min stretching.
43.14 – 10 min pump, 10 min jelqing, 10 min pump, 10 min stretching.
43.15 – 10m jelqing, 10 min stretching, 5 x 10 intense dry jelqs w 20s stretching between. (Ie. 50 intense dry jelq strokes total). - Dry jelqs throughout day.

I totally think I will be back up to 8.675” BPEL in no time! Soon I will shoot for 8.75” then go all out for 9”.

Start (Aug.05): 6.6 BPEL x 4.375" EG

Now (Feb.2011): 8.6" BPEL x 6.0" EG...

Gains: 2.0" EL x 1.625" EG Way more than doubled my erect volume! PE for life. Anything is possible!

Nice work braindrain and nice list of keys to success too. Congrats on your gains.

Do you really have a 7.5 inch flaccid?

Originally Posted by CubanB
Nice work braindrain and nice list of keys to success too. Congrats on your gains.

Do you really have a 7.5 inch flaccid?

Yeah! Sounds crazy I know, but it does very quite a bit. It varies between 6” when turtled to 7.5” at best of times; in normal conditions its around 7” - 7.25”.

Start (Aug.05): 6.6 BPEL x 4.375" EG

Now (Feb.2011): 8.6" BPEL x 6.0" EG...

Gains: 2.0" EL x 1.625" EG Way more than doubled my erect volume! PE for life. Anything is possible!

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