Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

How much length did you gain after 1 year PE via Hanging?

View Poll Results:

How much gain in length (inch) after 12 months of hanging?

Negligible - Zero


Up to .5 inch


Between 0.5 to 1.0 inch


Between 1.0 to 1.5 inch


Between 1.5 to 2.0 inch


more than 2.0 inch

Total Votes: 271. You may not vote on this poll

Originally Posted by marinera
One year of hanging is a lot of time spent. More than half of voters had negligible gains, and only a minority - 16% has good gains, proportionately to the effort.

Hanging has been marketed as the ‘ultimate length technique’; results seem to show that what few of us were repeating from a long time is true: there is nothing magic in hanging, it is like any other PE techninque : it could work wonderful, it could not.

One year is a lot of time, yes, especially if you’re dedicated. But really, if you hang decent weight off of your dick 2 hours a day, that’s 730 hours or 30 days under tension. If your dick doesn’t respond to that with growth, then you’ve got a dick made of steel and you should quit PE altogether. If that doesn’t work, what will?

Disclaimer: I’m talking about proper hanging, i.e. knowing what you’re doing, using decent weights, riding the fatigue, targeting multiple angles (one by one of course) and eventually using a fulcrum.

i’ve seen a lot of guys who have been at this since 2003-4 and made little to no gains.I admire their determination but if it ain’t working simply move on and find something else to do in life.

I’d like to get 1.5 inches from 12 months hanging but from the poll results it seems unlikely. I can’t understand how hanging for 2 hours a day at up to 15lbs (I’m only at 5.5) wouldn’t result in a least an inch. The problem with this poll is we don’t know how consistent people have been and of course a lack of participants.

Originally Posted by Its getting big

I’d like to get 1.5 inches from 12 months hanging

Wouldn’t we all? :) I would be cool if I could be nearly 8.5” by this time next year. :D Not that I need that much length, but still.

This poll is gettin BIGGER!

25 guys voted so far

Almost 50% of people gained nothing. That is amazing. I’ve probably put in 500 hrs into hanging with a Bib. Notta thing.

Very surprising results thus far.

That is surprising. Maybe it’s because hanging is often done after months or year or so manual stretching/jelqing/extender, and since gains slow down one would expect less gains with hanging since hanging is done mainly after other manual stuff stops working? Or is this reasoning messed up?

Starting Size: April, 28, 2010: NBPEL-7" Girth-6" (base, MSG, glans)

Currently: BPEL-8" NBPEL-7.25" Girth-6.25" (base)/6.125" (MSG)/6.125" (glans)

Originally Posted by UFGator
You guys crack me up :D . Just because someone doesn’t gain as fast as you, doesn’t AUTOMATICALLY mean they’re doing something wrong. Throwing absolutes around like that is incredibly ignorant.

Sure, it COULD be technique, but it could be A LOT of other variables as well.

I think hanging is a very hit or miss style of PE, like stretching.

Some won’t respond to it, and I suspect it’s those who are severely limited by their tunica (or tunicas, for that matter). For those people, hanging actually might be the least productive method of PE possible, possibly even counterproductive because of the level of force put down.

If you don’t respond you have either
1-already gained 2” or more
2-you are a hard gainer
3-you are doing it wrong

Originally Posted by Audacia
Should add an option ‘I don’t hang or haven’t hung for a year, just want to see results’. Because some people like myself may just want to see the results and click any option.

You read my god damn mind, Audacia. God damn mind.

Dec '09 : NBPEL: 6'' x EG: 5.1'' x FL: 2" -----> Aug '10 : NBPEL: 6.3'' x EG: 5.6'' x FL: 2"

Yeah, don't worry. It did not take me 8 months to get these gains. I was more off than on when it came to PE :O

Goal: EL: 7.25" x EG: 6.2" x FL: 4"

Originally Posted by blink2000

I have seen lots of guys doing things like hanging + clamping or hanging + other routines that seem potentially counterproductive. I wonder if any of those guys voted they are not making hanging gains.

Do you consider combining hanging with extending and/or pumping counterproductive and if so, why?

Originally Posted by Demerit1
You read my god damn mind, Audacia. God damn mind.

There’s a little option that says view poll results where you don’t have to vote.

I gained 0.6” from hanging + jelqing. Lately I’ve been started to pump too, but it’s too soon to attribute any of my gains to pumping.

I had some breaks, but summing it all up, I think I’ve been hanging for about 10 months.

Originally Posted by dtwarren1942
Do you consider combining hanging with extending and/or pumping counterproductive and if so, why?

When you really ride the fatigue (hanging) it pushes you to the limit. It’s a very fine line that’s all too easy to cross once you start adding other devices (i.e. it’s just too easy to get injured when you mix hanging with other intense PE activities). Personally, I don’t know how to safely combine hanging with other things. Also, I don’t see much success from guys who try to combine hanging with other things. If there are examples of guys that have successfully combined hanging with other devices, you could try and copy what they have done. Unfortunately, I haven’t seen anyone do this other than hanging + ADS which is not at all what we are talking about here. (examples may exist, but I don’t know of any)

If you want both length and girth, I think it’s better to do a manual routine. If you’re willing to temporarily put off MSEG girth gains in order to work on your length (and possibly base girth), then hanging is a good choice.

0.75” in the first 5 months, and nothing in the next 6 months. Sigh. Hopefully it just has to do with my ligs getting stronger and I can come back to it some day. Clamping for now.

Working on getting ABSURDLY thick - Latest picture - Late 2010


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