Thunder's Place

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How much length did you gain after 1 year PE via Hanging?

View Poll Results:

How much gain in length (inch) after 12 months of hanging?

Negligible - Zero


Up to .5 inch


Between 0.5 to 1.0 inch


Between 1.0 to 1.5 inch


Between 1.5 to 2.0 inch


more than 2.0 inch

Total Votes: 271. You may not vote on this poll

There is nothing magic about hanging. As marinera said, it may work great for an individual, or it may not work at all, just like anything else in PE.

I think it is a very big mistake to assume that length gains are “guaranteed” with hanging. It is also a mistake to assume that what has worked for you will work for anyone, and if it doesn’t they just haven’t done it right.

Bohm makes a very good point. Most people don’t take up hanging unless and until their gains from manual exercises have plateaued, and at that point the “easy” gains have already been exhausted.

I also disagree that combining hanging with other PE techniques is “counterproductive” I have yet to hear one cogent argument that would explain how it would be.

For myself, I have hung for a little over a year and have gained maybe .5” in length over that time. But I continued manual stretches and jelqing during this time, so I can’t say that even that gain was due to hanging. I had gained about an inch in length before I started hanging, however.

Originally Posted by redbear52
I also disagree that combining hanging with other PE techniques is “counterproductive” I have yet to hear one cogent argument that would explain how it would be.

From what I’ve seen, the odds of getting injured go up exponentially when you combine hanging with other methods. This is based on my observations of guys who have actually made attempts to do this.

Where are all the hanging + clamping success stories? Where are the examples of guys who are combining hanging and extending, or hanging + clamping and making fantastic gains without getting injured?


I voted for 0.5 - 1.0 simply because I’m gaining at a rate of roughly 1/4” every 3 months. Hoping to keep it going.

I think asking what angle & weight produced the best results would be good to know.

Originally Posted by Audacia

Should add an option ‘I don’t hang or haven’t hung for a year, just want to see results’. Because some people like myself may just want to see the results and click any option.

Or you could click through the handy little tag in the corner that says “Poll Results”— just sayin’ ;)

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Originally Posted by androNYC
Or you could click through the handy little tag in the corner that says “Poll Results”— just sayin’ ;)

You’re the third person to mention that!

Concerning adding different techniques with hanging, I’d say jelqing works with hanging. Possibly even doing a little pumping after you’ve finished your hanging sets may help too. Obviously you don’t want to over do it.

Blink the reason you probably haven’t seen combined clamping and hanging routines having great success because both are demanding and it’s probably to much for an average dick to take. But I recon doing some light clamping for a few sets at the end of the day could only help and get you an okay gain in girth over time.

There are many guys who have combined hanging with use of an extender and gotten gains from it. BIB advocated “traction wrapping” after hanging to maintain the penis in an extended state, and many have used an extender or ADS for that purpose.

This poll is pretty deppresing.More than 85% haven’t managed to gain more than 1” and hanging is supposed to be the ultimate length exercise.However most guys didn’t gain a thing which comes back to— Everyone is different and not everyone gains from a certain method,in this case hanging

I don’t think there is any magic in hanging at all. I think those who have made good gains for the most part are those who have been successful in incorporating a couple of hours (or more) of hang time into their daily routine without suffering diminished EQ, soreness, or discoloration from it. Many have not been successful in finding a way to do that.

I think a lot of guys these days tend to turn to hanging after the have pretty much exhausted their easy length gains from manual exercise, and that probably influences the results.

Originally Posted by redbear52
I don’t think there is any magic in hanging at all. I think those who have made good gains for the most part are those who have been successful in incorporating a couple of hours (or more) of hang time into their daily routine without suffering diminished EQ, soreness, or discoloration from it. Many have not been successful in finding a way to do that.

I think a lot of guys these days tend to turn to hanging after the have pretty much exhausted their easy length gains from manual exercise, and that probably influences the results.

Yep I’ve exhausted my length gains from manual exercises and have done a lot to toughen up my dick, I’m really struggling with hanging but don’t plan on giving up on it just yet.

Well I did jelqing exclusively and tenaciously for 3 months and didn’t see anything come of it. After that I was so discouraged that I stopped PE entirely for a few months. I then started back up again with manual stretches and a wench, not really taking it seriously just doing it. I measured after a few months and I had gained, so I credit that stretching with my gains. I’ve never looked back. I just do it to do it, I only measure every 3 - 5 months, I keep my expectations low, and somehow the line I reach on the ruler keeps going up. For me, the key to success has been lowered expectations.

I’ve been hanging 5 lbs. For about 2 months now and have gained half an inch. Hopefully it doesnt stop there ! Only 30 minutes a day and have never done any other type of pe.

Originally Posted by Dymn
.. For me, the key to success has been lowered expectations.

Perhaps that’s because the lower the expectations are, the less zealous the work out is, and the proper the intensity levels are, which yield gains. You might be just working too hard when your expectations are high, which stunt your growth.

Then: 6.5 BPEL | 5.5 NBPEL x 5.5 MSEG | 5.0 BEG

Now: 8.11 BPEL | 7.24 NBPEL x 5.5 MSEG | 5.0 BEG

Goal: 9x6 || My journal

If I haven’t gained anything in length from manual stretches within 5 years of PEing on and off would it make sense to give hanging a go? Just tired of these different methods of lengthening not working, I never saw newbie length gains.


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