Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Giving chemical PE a try

Hey @tenaciousD, I really enjoy your thread here!

Have you expirimented with any other peptides? I’m taking .5mg kisspeptin with my trt (ever 4th day) to try to avoid testicular atrophy. The kisspeptin helped me get off of Cialis and has reversed ball shrinkage.

Start (8/30/21): 6.5"BPEL X 5.25" MSEG

Now (12/5/22): 8.75" BPEL X 5.75" MSEG

Goal 9.5"BPEL X 7" MSEG My Journey

It reversed your testicular atrophy? I’ve been on TRT so long that I figured that is just part of it for me. I’d PM you about it but I imagine others might be interested since so many guys are on TRT these days. How long were you on TRT before starting it? How much do you use and on what kind of regimen? How long before you returned to full size?

I’m using systemic CJC-1295 DAC and ipomorelin, BPC 157 and intracavernosal IGF-1 LR3. The IGF is for the chem PE. The others are general anti-aging.

Rock out with your cock out!

I buy from a website with certificate of purity, guaranteeing purity at 99.99%. I can PM the website. Costing about 70/mth with bac water and pins.

I dose my vial with 2ml of bac water, it’s a 5mg vial. Then I pin .20ml with my trt.

Atrophy took about a month, not at my original testicle size, but closer. You’re right about that being an unpleasant and common side effect of trt. I like Kisspeptin better than HCG.

Curious, where do you pin the IGF? Like on a clock, 10 and 2? Just one side and alternate?

Start (8/30/21): 6.5"BPEL X 5.25" MSEG

Now (12/5/22): 8.75" BPEL X 5.75" MSEG

Goal 9.5"BPEL X 7" MSEG My Journey

My Doc recommends Gonadorelin over Kisspptin. . I think both are available via peptide sources. HcG is apparently out of favor, not to mention very hard to get now. Kisspeptin , I should say (or spell)

I’ll check it out. I had just made peace with diminished testicular volume for life since I’m never planning to go off TRT. Thanks for the info.

I pin the IGF-1 just like Trimix. In fact, I pin it together in the same syringe. I use the standard technique for IC injection at 10 or 2 o’clock, alternating injection site and side so as to diminish the risk of fibrosis.

Rock out with your cock out!

Originally Posted by Wanting10
I buy from a website with certificate of purity, guaranteeing purity at 99.99%. I can PM the website. Costing about 70/mth with bac water and pins.

I dose my vial with 2ml of bac water, it’s a 5mg vial. Then I pin .20ml with my trt.

Atrophy took about a month, not at my original testicle size, but closer. You’re right about that being an unpleasant and common side effect of trt. I like Kisspeptin better than HCG.

Curious, where do you pin the IGF? Like on a clock, 10 and 2? Just one side and alternate?

Could you send me the info as well? I ran hcg too but, like someone else mentioned it ran out of favor.

Originally Posted by tenaciousD
I’ll check it out. I had just made peace with diminished testicular volume for life since I’m never planning to go off TRT.

Mine were small before I started TRT, which shrank them any more.

I started pumping them last year. Now they’re average-to-large size, most of the time. They vary considerably in size throughout the day.

I’ve just ordered some kisspeptin and will add it to the 19 other injections I seem to be racking up with all the peptides, chem PE and TRT. I’m a freaking pin cushion.

I’ll be sure to report back about testicular size though it will likely be subjective. I can’t deal with explaining to my wife why I have calipers on my nuts if she walks in on me measuring…

Rock out with your cock out!

Interesting experience

I injected my usual dose of 0.3mcg PGE-1 in Trimix around 3pm and had about 2.5 hours of hovering around 90% firmness, but some waxing and waning that required intermittent use of a c ring to keep going. This happens sometimes and I haven’t really been able to determine a pattern. Sometimes the same dose gives me 5 hours of 90-100%, other days its up and down and seems done in 2.5 hours.

Anyway I was on the way down around 6pm (though this can take a while, with it jumping back up to 90+% and then back down over and over again) when my wife starting flirting with me. I rarely have had Trimix sex with her since I often have my session after she goes to bed. We ended up having a nice, long-ish session of amazing sex. Trimix sex is really nice.

Afterwards my erection was back up to 100% and wouldn’t go down. I kept thinking, ok, it’s going to deflate. It was deflating before sex, it’s definitely on the way down. So I waited. And I waited. Finally, after 7 hours, which was 4 hours after I thought I was done pre-sex, I was still at 100% so I just decided to use some phenylephrine to bring it back down before bed. Which, thankfully, works in about 60 seconds.

Early on I learned that after a long session of 90+% that I have to let it completely go down before sexual stimulation or risk restarting the clock, but I’ve never had that experience that after a so-so session that was a bit of an effort to keep it going. But I was so turned on and the sex was so great that I think that once I was at 100% for a while things got locked into place and it wouldn’t go down.

After the phenylephrine I fell asleep and this morning woke up with a 100% erection that felt the same level of fatigue that I felt at 6+ hours the day before. I must have had it all night. And it again wouldn’t go down. So I had to inject phenylephrine again to bring it down a second time.

I probably could have jumped on the treadmill or something to circulate some adrenaline to lose the erection, but I was just exhausted with having a 100% hard on for so many hours after the day before.

I think stopping the oral finasteride has made a difference. I also recently added BPC-157 to my IC injections of Trimix and IGF-1, and after a couple days of this new addition I started noticing raging erections in the middle of the night that were still there in the morning and have been lasting up to 30 minutes after I’m up and about. I posted about a similar thing before, but that had settled down and I hadn’t had any more hours long morning erections for a while until I added the BPC 157 into the mix.

Rock out with your cock out!

What’s the goal with the BPC-157? I’m assuming targeted blood vessel growth, accelerated healing, and nitric oxide generation.

Start (8/30/21): 6.5"BPEL X 5.25" MSEG

Now (12/5/22): 8.75" BPEL X 5.75" MSEG

Goal 9.5"BPEL X 7" MSEG My Journey

Originally Posted by Wanting10
What’s the goal with the BPC-157? I’m assuming targeted blood vessel growth, accelerated healing, and nitric oxide generation.

Not quite blood vessel growth, but the CC equivalent, endothelial cell growth, which is part of the CC matrix and has many receptors involved in tissue growth.

Among the other things you listed, there is some evidence that it increases GH receptors in tendons and might reduce the chance of scarring/fibrosis as it prevents immune cell stickiness in inflamed tendon.

Rock out with your cock out!

I started Kisspeptin today to see if I get back any post-TRT testicle volume. Going to inject 50-100 mcg EOD. I’ll report back on subjective response.

Rock out with your cock out!

How are you measuring testicle size?

I started with a Prader orchidometer, but the comparison beads only go up to the small end of "normal." I bought a $5 plastic digital caliper on eBay, rounded off the sharp edges, and use that. It doesn’t account for skin thickness, but I’m primarily concerned with "larger" vs. "smaller", not any exact volume measurement.

Originally Posted by AndyJ
How are you measuring testicle size?

I started with a Prader orchidometer, but the comparison beads only go up to the small end of "normal." I bought a $5 plastic digital caliper on eBay, rounded off the sharp edges, and use that. It doesn’t account for skin thickness, but I’m primarily concerned with "larger" vs. "smaller", not any exact volume measurement.

I have measured with a caliper. You can measure each testicle in all three dimensions.
They don’t count anything for the skin thickness in medical examinations. The coefficient used in equations for the testicular volume covers it.
But for a easy way to monitor possible change in size tape-measure works just fine.
Hang your balls with one hand tightly together and measure the circumference of the package.
It looks really reliable way to do it.

START 18/13.15 cm Jul 24th 18 (7.09/5.18") NOW 22.5/15.2 cm Fer 12th 20 (8.86/5.98") GOAL 8.5"/ 6"

When connective tissue is stretched within therapeutic temperatures ranging 102 to 110 F (38.9- 43.3 C), the amount of structural weakening produced by a given amount of tissue elongation varies inversely with the temperature. This is apparently related to the progressive increase in the viscous flow properties of the collagenous tissue when it is heated. (Warren et al (1971,1976)


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