Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Giving chemical PE a try

Originally Posted by tenaciousD
I use the TM vacuum hanger set up with water seal (rather than taping). I vary between straight down and straight out using the TM desk pulley system. I seem to get more strain from SD but I mix it up depending on what I feel like doing since the SO under the desk is a little more comfortable in terms of the seated position.

Total Man hanger? water seal? how do you do this?

Originally Posted by tenaciousD
I use the TM vacuum hanger set up with water seal (rather than taping). I vary between straight down and straight out using the TM desk pulley system. I seem to get more strain from SD but I mix it up depending on what I feel like doing since the SO under the desk is a little more comfortable in terms of the seated position.

Found it on his site

Yeah, Total Man.

Glad you found the water technique. Ever since I started using it I haven’t had any issues with blisters. Plus once I got the hang of it I find it way easier than taping.

Rock out with your cock out!

Originally Posted by AndyJ
Could you post a direct link? I like their products, but their web site is a dumpster fire.

The video instructions on the TM site require a password but if you have one you can search this term to get you right there:

"Vacuum Chamber - Water Protection Method"

If you want a reddit link to a P-hub video instruction I found this: … nd_updated_faq/

I quickly ran through this video but didn’t finish it. The TM video describes using the TM accordion pump to eject extra water while the other video seems to just use forward pressure of the glans to expel the water (though I admit I didn’t watch the whole thing and only did so with the sound off).

And the TM recommends using one or two layers of short sleeves around the shaft to go into the cap and sleeve for a tighter seal at the base of the cup.

I’ve used the TM video technique but not the other one.

Rock out with your cock out!

Originally Posted by tenaciousD

I use the TM vacuum hanger set up with water seal (rather than taping). I vary between straight down and straight out using the TM desk pulley system. I seem to get more strain from SD but I mix it up depending on what I feel like doing since the SO under the desk is a little more comfortable in terms of the seated position.

Water seal? How do you like it comparitavly speaking?

I cant even get the mini hand pump to work with his products

Originally Posted by midatlantic
Water seal? How do you like it comparitavly speaking?

I’ve been using it about a month and I love it. It is so much simpler than taping, which required me to get partially erect, put on a clamp, and then use a fairly intricate tape pattern before I could get into the vacuum cap. After a little time there was always a little fluid build up through the glans skin that soaks the tape and the tape at the end starts to lose adhesiveness and then pull away from the skin. So longer uses, like a belt-style ADS, often resulted in glans blisters. So I’d either have to end the session after a reset for a bathroom break or re-do the tape job.

The water seal technique takes about 1 minute to set up so removing it every hour or so to use the bathroom is no big deal. And so far I’ve never had a blister from hanging or ADS using it.

One other nice thing is that I can expand my glans quite a bit in cap with water, where the tape limits that expansion. So If there is a way to slowly increase glans size this might be a way to do it.

The one downside is that I use two layers of short silicon sleeve on my completely flaccid penis at the shaft just below the glans to tighten the seal with the cup, and after about an hour there is some decreasing glans sensation from the skin compression near the dorsal nerve. It comes right back after a minute of break, but I do think that removing the setup every 1-2 hours is still required to prevent any short-to-medium term sensation loss, but I usually take it as an opportunity to empty my bladder anyway.

Rock out with your cock out!

Tried the water seal yesterday and today. Total game changer!

Originally Posted by midatlantic
Tried the water seal yesterday and today. Total game changer!


Rock out with your cock out!

I feel disgusted with myself for not thinking of this myself! It seems so obvious and the only reason I stopped vac hanging was because of problems this should solve

Generally, I take weekends off from PE; Monday will be interesting! Thanks for sharing

Month 6 (12/23):

Trimix session days in November: 17
Total hours 90+% erection: 54
Total hours greater 50% erection (including above): 70

BPEL: 8.54" (increase of 2mm from last month, +3/4" from 6/23)
BPFSL: 9" (no change from prior, +1" from 6/23)
MSG: 6" (no change from prior, +3/8" from 6/23)
Scar girth 6" (increase 1/8" from prior, +1/2" from 6/23)
Base girth: 7" (+1/4" from prior, 1" from 6/23)

I haven’t gained substantial BPEL in a couple of months, though I did clock a couple of more millimeters of BPEL this measurement. Hard to say if it is real since erect measurements are inconsistent, but hopefully the trend of a few mm each month keeps up and points to gains in the long run.

BPFSL has stalled this month and has actually gone up and down a bit during my post-training measurements, so I’m actually ranging between 228mm and 230mm. I’m calling that no change.

I’m getting post workout strain rates between 2.8 and 4.7, with higher numbers coming from SD sessions and lower from SO sessions. So that seems to be pointing to keep going without a long decon yet since my tissues are still pliable. Hopefully another month will yield some actual increases in the measurable length.

Girth has been creeping up, though unevenly. This is where I think the Trimix is most potent. Most Trimix sessions involve clamping and interval pumping and it remains super intense, but the results are now starting to be more clear that it seems to potentiate the girth work.

I’ve recently added a few minutes of "tunica scraping" with a metal massage tool called a gua sha tool, and tunica compressions with my fingers prior to sessions. Too early to tell if it has an effect or not, but the post-training numbers seem to point to potential benefit.

I’m now a solid 6" mid shaft and at my circumcision scar and 7" at the base. Post training or in a cock ring I’m easily 6.5 mid shaft, and so far my wife is not having any issues handling it. She seems to love it, actually, and sex has taken on more and more loving intensity and dirty talk. So we’re both happy in the bedroom.

I haven’t been measuring but I also subjectively think my glans has noticeably enlarged. It seems to be increasing in proportion to my shaft, which makes me happy. I like my proportions and feel they are as important as overall size.

I think I’ll give it another month at this clip and think about a break in February. We have a weeklong trip planned then (need to get to a sunny beach to break up the dreary winter months!) so I will definitely take that time off of everything and might add an extra week of decon just to give myself some runway for the following few months.

But here’s a celebratory cheer for landing squarely in the 8.5 x 6 club in 2023.

Best wishes to all for a great 2024. I hope for peace, prosperity, love, connection, good health and big dicks for all of us here on TP!

Rock out with your cock out!

Change in plan

The last week or so I’ve noticed that my post-hanging strain rates have been fairly uneven, some days hitting the target and others not quite there. So instead of redoubling my efforts I’ve decided to start a decon early and will go longer than I was originally thinking—a month rather than a bit more than a week.

Although it is subject to change, right now my plan is to stop all length training until mid-February, essentially a monthlong decondition break.

I’ll do some sporadic, light pumping for fun and to keep some degree of conditioning of the tissues, as well as focus a bit on a kegel routine.

I also think I’ll run some experiments on glans expansion since it will also keep my vacuum conditioning up to speed for when I restart vacuum hanging. Although I don’t know how effective it will be, it would be nice to have a bigger glans, so why not try something relatively passive?

Finally, I’ll be a bit more intermittent but will probably continue occasional Trimix injections since it is really fun for sex with the wife.

I’ll do an official measurement at the end of the month, so 10 days after my last training session. Will be interesting to see if I regress and lose some size.

This is new territory for me. I’ve never taken such a detailed approach to my PE before, measuring and calculating and planning as I have this time. In the past I’d just add more weight, more time or more sessions and try to power through and the decons I took were either life forcing me to stop or feeling like I needed a break, but never as a plan to break through a barrier. So it will be interesting.

Funny how it feels like it takes more discipline to take a break than to do the training!

Rock out with your cock out!

Originally Posted by tenaciousD
I also think I’ll run some experiments on glans expansion since it will also keep my vacuum conditioning up to speed for when I restart vacuum hanging.

Take a look at the Size Doctor extenders. They use a vacuum bell and gasket arrangement that seals behind the sulcus. They can be tricky to use since they have a lot of extra space inside and the vacuum has to balance the tension. I mostly used mine with a loop of paracord, as a hanger.

Also, the Vachanger 3 uses a tighter bell and a conical gasket. I haven’t actually seen one in real life, but the pictures suggest it would be less persnickety than the Size Doctor.

As far as I’m concerned the "glans expander" tubes are a waste of time; if your shaft was one precise length and stayed that way, maybe… I think but EQ variations and growing would leave you in "not quite in the end cap" or "too far, donut time" zones most of the time.

Funny how it feels like it takes more discipline to take a break than to do the training!

I’m ten days in to a thirty-day decon now, and getting twitchy.


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