Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Is It In Yet????

For me it’s a bit backwards, I never had an experience with a chick pre PE so I never had any comments or anything like that, I just knew I wasn’t big and everyone else would brag about being this big or that big. I did hanging and stretching before getting on the internet, not knowing it was possible (or not). When I got a modem, ‘penis enlargement’ was the second thing I searched for, I remember being worried someone would hack in and find out that I typed it and tell everyone I know! That took me to newart, and some guy posted a link to the ezboard forum, then here from some seeker dude who always posted links. I think. I did get a few small dick jokes aimed in my general direction, but after finding the forums.


>Man, I can’t believe I was actually that small. Anyways, it worked out well I would say.<

Sure did, you rule.


Originally posted by Dino9X7
Hey Tug

Shrinkage really sucks, I had the opportunity to skinny dip this summer and the first thing I though of was shrinkage so I made up some lame excuse.
It's a shame chicks don't understand the shrinkage thing.

Dude, you’re 8x6 and you’re worried about shrinkage??

You should still be hung even when flaccid in cool water.



I just saw your amazing stats! What was your main routine for going from 4.5 inches in length to 8 inches ?? wow

Starting: 5 BPEL x 4.5 EG on 4/19/03

Latest: 6 BPEL x 5 EG on 2/17/04

Goal: 7 BPEL x 6 EG

Last edited by chickenchoker : 10-21-2003 at .

Originally posted by holl2007
Just jelquing 300 one second stokes a day and stretching for 10 minutes a day. The Best thing fot me is my diet. I eat less fat and more fiber which help me with bloodflow, which dick size is mostky about.

You got all those gains just by doing that! You are one lucky bastard! :D sorry I’m just jealous. But congrats on your pocket monster!


8.5x6.5 and shrinkage can still get you, I can still have a bad flaccid they are rare now but they happen if I’m nervous or from a cold pool or beach. In fact I was in a pool for a couple of hours this summer and was starting to turn blue when I got out and I went to take a leak and I had to laugh at myself my dick and balls looked like somebody took the air out of them. But all in all most of the time my flaccid is good and if I’m slightly fluffed it’s really good.

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)


Tell me about it. Have you ever been rock climbing? I went about a month ago and had a genearlly good time. I don’t know if you know, but the harnesses almost seem as though they are designed to fully reveal your bulge. They cup your bum with two straps between your legs and pull your pants so high and tight up under your crotch, that your cock-n-balls have nowhere to hide. Luckily I was not a PE virgin at the time, so my flacid hang and bulge were quite good. Of course, the cold night air was unforgiving and my bulge was not nearly as impressive as it could have been.

It was interesting seeing the sizes of other dudes in that place. And I wasn’t the only one buldge watching. It seemed to be the unannounced game that everyone played.

I know that with my size I’m above average, but DAMN, I still feel small!! I can understand why at 8x6 (are those your stats?) and with shrinkage, you’d back away from a skinny dipping opportunity. What’s your flacid hang like? Mine is around 5.5” but how good it looks depends on how low my nuts hang. If they’re tight under my dick, my flacid appears like a semi-chub and not at all impressive. If my nuts sag, my flacid looks good.

One of the reasons I’m thinking of moving up to 9”x6” is strictly for the flacid. At that size, my flacid should be around 7”, larger than most men are hard.


STATS | G O A L : 8.5" x 6" BPEL | STORY

Back into PE after 3 year pause

what’s a good flaccid girth to have? i’m about 7.5NBPx5.5 hard right now.. aiming for 9BPx6” or so. but my flaccid girth is only like 4” :( it looks so damm skinny.. i want the “meaty” look

Originally posted by chickenchoker

I just saw your amazing stats! What was your main routine for going from 4.5 inches in length to 8 inches ?? wow

Its nothing special. Here’s the first year.

Month1: 10min manual stretch/10jelq/kegels
Month2-3: 20min manual stretch/20min jelq/kegels
Month4-8: 30min manual stretch/15min jelq/30min power jelq/kegels
Month9: no manual stretches/15min jelq/30min power jelq/kegels
Month10-11: 30-40min hanging/5min jelq/20min power jelq/20min power squeeze/kegels
Month12-13: 60mins hanging straight down(15-17.5lbs)/5min jelq/10min power jelq/30min power squeeze/kegels Month14: 2hrs hanging straight down(15-17.5lbs)/5min jelq/5min power jelq/15mins power squeeze/kegels

"It doesn't matter where you start, it only matters where you end up."


I got the tight nut thing also I have been trying to stretch them so they hang free but I got some tight ass nuts and when there cold the get tighter. My flaccid is about 5.5 to 6 most of the time if fluffed a little better.
My stats are now 8.5x6.5 I have to talk to size about changing dino775 to dino9x7 and fixing my password I can’t seem to get in to update it in the database.


I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

Yo YGuy you think that if you never had used the powerjelq you would have still gotten your gains. I used to use the pj but now it just doesn’t feel right for me.

“Is it in yet”? While I’ve never heard that said I did have a brutal experience when I was 18… I had been sleeping with this 30 something black woman for about 4 months. She was a single Mom and lived in a big old house with a roommate.. I walked by her place every day after work to get to my shitty appt… She had been flirting in a serious way for a couple of weeks so I stopped to talk to her and she invited me to dinner, after which she took me by the hand and walked me up the stairs to her bedroom and fucked my brains out, HARD! The mental images I still have of her slamming that HUGE ass up and down on my dick are fond images indeed!

I gave this first class lay up for this tiny blond hottie who’s dad was the sheriff, she was 17! The black girl I foolishly let go was SNUG, even after a kid.. She would constantly brag about me to her friends about how big my dick was and how she had me in training… This blond girl I was head over heels over was tiny but her pussy was so sloppy loose I felt like I was fucking a Heifer! Thus, the term “COW PUSSY” that everyone loves hearing me say was coined! I remembered telling one of my friends how loose this tiny girl was and he urged me to “shut up about it” and never mention it again… He said that if word got out about how loose this girl was then everyone would think I had a small dick! Thank heaven that the blond was the 4th girl I had fucked and everyone previous to her had problems, including the whore my friend paid to get me laid on the night of my 18th birthday… All in all it was a learning experience for me and while some here may say I’ve got a big dick it didn’t prevent me from being humbled by a massive COW PUSSY that was commanded by a tiny hard bodied girl who was only 17!

RWG, your stories are always entertaining. We should make a forum for Dino, RWG, and Japp stories. :D

Originally posted by inamo
Yo YGuy you think that if you never had used the powerjelq you would have still gotten your gains. I used to use the pj but now it just doesn't feel right for me.

The “power jelq” in my routine from my earlier months, isn’t the same as the Power Jelq Device. One of the paysites I started PE with, had a more intense version of manual jelqing. Basically you perform a kegel right before the jelq stroke, and jelq forward with the blood trapped. This was called a “power jelq”, according to the paysite.

"It doesn't matter where you start, it only matters where you end up."


Your right you just don’t know who has the cow pussy, the girl with the biggest pussy I ever had was a tiny petite Asian girl.


You have had some pretty good stories lately yourself, I have been a bad influence on you :D

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

The loosest pussy that I’ve ever experienced was a 5ft girl who is 18. I am currently seeing a tall (5ft10) chick who is much, much TIGHTER and it takes some time to get it in.

Originally posted by regularwhiteguy
“Is it in yet”? While I've never heard that said I did have a brutal experience when I was 18… I had been sleeping with this 30 something black woman for about 4 months. She was a single Mom and lived in a big old house with a roommate.. I walked by her place every day after work to get to my shitty appt… She had been flirting in a serious way for a couple of weeks so I stopped to talk to her and she invited me to dinner, after which she took me by the hand and walked me up the stairs to her bedroom and fucked my brains out, HARD! The mental images I still have of her slamming that HUGE ass up and down on my dick are fond images indeed!

I gave this first class lay up for this tiny blond hottie who's dad was the sheriff, she was 17! The black girl I foolishly let go was SNUG, even after a kid.. She would constantly brag about me to her friends about how big my dick was and how she had me in training… This blond girl I was head over heels over was tiny but her pussy was so sloppy loose I felt like I was fucking a Heifer! Thus, the term “COW PUSSY” that everyone loves hearing me say was coined! I remembered telling one of my friends how loose this tiny girl was and he urged me to “shut up about it” and never mention it again… He said that if word got out about how loose this girl was then everyone would think I had a small dick! Thank heaven that the blond was the 4th girl I had fucked and everyone previous to her had problems, including the whore my friend paid to get me laid on the night of my 18th birthday… All in all it was a learning experience for me and while some here may say I've got a big dick it didn't prevent me from being humbled by a massive COW PUSSY that was commanded by a tiny hard bodied girl who was only 17!

With stories like these you should change your name to Anythingbutregularwhiteguy. :)

The loosest that I had was 15 yrs old, 5’4” tall about 115 lbs. She had not had kids and had been with 2-3 guys before me. Both of them were about 7” in length. I was 15-16 at that time. The next girl was just about as large as her down there, but not as wet. She was 5’7” tall and had a little larger frame. The second girl is the one that I fisted with a little help from some KY.

Struggling with a peyronies injury during sex and loss of size after having been into PE.


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