Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Is It In Yet????

My wakeup call is stated in the first paragraph of my very first post at Thunders.

been there…done that!…

If you knew you could not fail...what would you attempt to do? Female Foot Fetish Current Stats: 5/4/10 8.5BPx6.0, 7.5NBP Achieved Goal and have been on maintenance program since


Originally posted by Godzilla
Chippendale dancers from NYC.

Im from NYC.
Now there’s something to think about. Those guys probably get laid every night by different hot and horny women. (Supersizeit looks at himself in the full length mirror and does a little seductive sexy dancing)

If you knew you could not fail...what would you attempt to do? Female Foot Fetish Current Stats: 5/4/10 8.5BPx6.0, 7.5NBP Achieved Goal and have been on maintenance program since


Would it have been illegal to finish up even though she was fainted?

Loved going to Cuba! :)

I'm surprised that Americans can't go because their government says they can't!

As he’s led away by the cops in handcuffs, dressed only in a pink robe and level 4 erection still bulging out-

” Your under arrest for rendering a girl unconcious by an act of anal sex.
You have the right to remain silent……”

Should have named this the ‘wake up call’ thread.

My wake-up call was when I realized that I was almost a full inch under average girth when I read the lifestyles survey report. Needless to say, I felt TERRIBLE about my size. Then I discovered :) Anyway, I’m about average now but am getting greedy.

It’s wierd though. I had always thought I was big because I hit puberty very early in life(started around 9). I had my first physical when I was around 11 and I remember the doctor saying ‘wow, you started puberty pretty early!’. He said something like that, don’t exactly remember. I took it as I was bigger than most kids my age. They just eventually caught up and passed me :( Oh well, I’m passing them now!

long story long

The loosest that I had was 15 yrs old, 5'4” tall about 115 lbs. She had not had kids and had been with 2-3 guys…
Jeezus they start early in Louisiana! LOL

I’ll try to start somewhere near the beginning. I’ve been embarrassed of my size pretty much most of my life, and I think its really affected the way I’ve interacted with women. One the first episodes I remember was when I was probably around 10 maybe younger. I had not yet learned to masturbate, but my friend had and wanted to show me. He had this technique where he sat at the edge of the bathtub and rubbed his penis against his leg until he orgasmed. I know we were pretty young because we didn’t think it was at all unusual to be doing this, and because when we orgasmed there was no ejaculation. Anyway, his penis was like this monster dick that was MUCH bigger than mine, it had veins bulging in it and everything. I remember being really embarrassed about this, but I didn’t think there was anything I could do about it.

When I was around 13 I remember seeing ads in the back of my Dad’s Hustlers for penis pumps, but of course I was too young to have a checking account or visa. I was so desperate to get one I actually asked my Mom to buy one for me. My home growing up was a very strange one, and this really wasn’t so far out of the ordinary. In fact she agreed and purchased it for me. I remember though in the ad there were several charges that they were tagging on to the price of the penis pump itself, like “rush delivery” and “shipping insurance”. Anyway I didn’t pay the extra “optional” fee for shipping insurance, and when the package finally arrived, there was a pamphlet on penis-pumping, an “instructional” video, and NO PENIS PUMP. Being young I really didn’t know what do as recourse, and so there it sat for a long time. I guess I was so put off by that I never reconsidered ordering as I got older, and my pe career didn’t start for a long, long time.

The first time I had sex was in a car. We were in there for a few hours, and I remember the windows steaming up. I was 18 and she was 23. At one point while we were having sex missionary, she reached back over her head and started writing something on the window. When I noticed her doing this she very quickly smeared it out with her hand. I asked her several times what she wrote but she wouldn’t tell me. To this day I have the feeling that she was writing a comment about my size, which I knew was small compared to other guys. I know there’s no way to know what she was writing, but it stuck with me for some reason.

I didn’t have another girlfriend for a couple years, but the next girl had real problems and it didn’t last long. But she had an ex-boyfriend that I knew back in high-school, and whenever his name came up, I swear her thoughts would turn to his dick. She would get all misty eyed and start staring off into space describing how “it was so big” and “so thick”. She told me she would play games when they were having sex in his car and he ejaculated- she would try to hit both the driver and passenger doors with consecutive squirts.

Oh man there’s really so much more. I think every girl I’ve dated was obsessed with size. There hasn’t been many, like between 5 and 10 my whole life, I think mostly because of this embarrassment with my size.

I had a long relationship with a girl in the midwest when I was in my 20’s. I remember her talking about how her last boyfriend was this 6’4” skinny dude with a 10” dick. That was pretty hard to deal with, but the good news was that he had no idea how to have sex. With me she had her first female ejaculations, and the sex was really good for a while. But I remember her watching pornos with me on several occasions- she would stare longingly at the guys dicks in the movies, saying things like “Oh man his dick is big…”. Or I would be talking about something completely different, and she would say something like, “I don’t know but man his dick is big.”

Shortly after that I was single again, and I remember there were a couple girls who were interested in me. But they kept bringing up comment after comment about guys size, dropping hints left and right that they were curious about what my size was. One of them kept going on and on about this or that guy who had this huge dick. I really didn’t have any comments about her stories, and at one point she actually concluded to me, “Well, guys with big dicks don’t have to say anything about them”. To which I really didn’t have a response for at the time, so I guess somehow she convinced herself that I must have been huge. At one point I got half naked with her, and she had her hand down my pants. Man, I could tell she was dissapointed and I think I said something like, “sorry I guess I’m just average.” She became consoling and was like, “no its okay..” but I could tell she was trying to save my feelings, and we never had sex. I’m not even sure I saw her again after that. I think I might have avoided an “is it in?” experience with that one.

The next girl I had sex with was someone I met at a party, but this was a very strange relationship- let’s just say she did some morally questionable things to make extra money. She also had a boyfriend she lived with, but they had an “open” relationship. Anyway at one point when we were having sex, she grabbed a pillow and slid it under her ass. This is supposedly something a girl can do to get deeper penetration. Anyway it made me feel really awful. One of the hardest and strangest things about my brief relationship with her was that even though we had sex several times, I could not bring myself to have an orgasm, I’m not sure why.

The loosest pussy I ever had was a one night stand with the best-looking girl I ever had sex with. There always seems to be something thats a great equalizer with girls, something that makes them all equally appealing.

Right now I’m really lucky to have a long-term girlfriend with a super-tight pussy, who loves my dick and always wants it. I first joined a pay-site that I think was There was one guy there ajferrari who it turned out was taking exercises from here and posting them there as his own, which we were glad for because we didn’t know anything about pe and he was really coaching us and helping us along. At one point he said something about how clueless we were on that site and how we were all in the dark and that there was so much more out there. At that point I decided to do a search on pe and found this site as well as peforum and others. I’ve been here ever since.

My girlfriend knows about my pe, and right now her saying is, “if it makes you happy, it makes me happy”. She also says that my dick is big enough, but I can tell she likes the gains I’ve gotten so far, even if theyre not huge. I would really like to get an extra inch in length in the next 6 months-year.

Sorry for the long story and hope it wasn’t boring. :)

"If you build it, she will cum." --Growth of Dreams


What are your gains and your current measurments? Thanks

Re: long story long

Originally posted by skinneeD

The first time I had sex was in a car. We were in there for a few hours, and I remember the windows steaming up. I was 18 and she was 23. At one point while we were having sex missionary, she reached back over her head and started writing something on the window. When I noticed her doing this she very quickly smeared it out with her hand. I asked her several times what she wrote but she wouldn't tell me. To this day I have the feeling that she was writing a comment about my size, which I knew was small compared to other guys. I know there's no way to know what she was writing, but it stuck with me for some reason.

What kind of a Size-Queen County nightmare is this?? Please tell us where you live so either us “small” guys can stay away from this place or us “big” guys can visit it. Damn, a place where women obssess with big dicks!

Sorry about your first sex experience ending up being a psych-out. I would ask her again - years later:

“Hey, I really have to know what you wrote on that window since it was my first time, and you know how first time experiences are - you remember everything and it’s just so sad that I end up with this big question mark in my head about what you wrote and I don’t want to go through life with that marking my first time. It’s like this itch in my back that I just can’t reach. It’s giving me a head trip. I don’t care if it was something about my small dick, but I just really have to know…, please.”

At least it lasted a few hours. That’s a real good thing.

Starting: 5 BPEL x 4.5 EG on 4/19/03

Latest: 6 BPEL x 5 EG on 2/17/04

Goal: 7 BPEL x 6 EG

Back in H.S. I screwed a chick in the bathroom on one of our out-of-town class trips. The term “Cow Pussy” wouldn’t have done her justice. At the time, I thought a tree trunk would have fit in her, it was that bad.

Oh well, where have all the teenage years gone, dammit? :D

Make it huge....!

Uncut4Big / Mike

Originally posted by Uncut4Big
Back in H.S. I screwed a chick in the bathroom on one of our out-of-town class trips. The term “Cow Pussy” wouldn't have done her justice. At the time, I thought a tree trunk would have fit in her, it was that bad.

Sometimes, you just have to give Bessie’s cervix the old knuckle sandwich.


Starting: 5 BPEL x 4.5 EG on 4/19/03

Latest: 6 BPEL x 5 EG on 2/17/04

Goal: 7 BPEL x 6 EG

One time I was pounding this cocktail waitress in the back seat of my car. She kept saying deeper, deeper. I don’t know if she really meant it, or if she was just saying it in the heat of the moment. I wouldn’t mind putting it to her now with my gains, and see what she says!



Thanks for sharing that shit with us bro. I’m glad you found the peforum and than thunders. And I’m happy for you that you found a great chick and your dick is getting bigger.


I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

I fucked girl 20 years ago that must have stood 4’ 11” weighted in at 80 pounds and my 7” x 5.75” cock could hardly touch the sides.

Then I fucked a woman that was 4” taller than me was well balanced physically but it seemed to hurt her when I thrusted too hard.

Go Tell!!!!

Fire shall reign from above as shards of heated shrapnel hurl savage kisses to mortal flesh and shattered bone below.

For days, the dead hung in the air as dust.

Damn, can’t you guys read? The kid who got ass-fucked on MTV was 471 lbs, not 174 lbs! What would be the big deal about a 174-lb kid getting ass-fucked on MTV??

Originally posted by falcon

I fucked girl 20 years ago that must have stood 4' 11” weighted in at 80 pounds and my 7” x 5.75” cock could hardly touch the sides.

So? I fucked an 80-year-old who weighed 411 lbs, 20 times. Big deal.


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